

2019 經典道上 – 中華漢光書道學會作品展在加拿大大多倫多中華文化中心舉行。這次展覽以「典雅」、「人文」為主軸,包含了傳統書作之外,更涵蓋線性書法抽象表現,書與非書的展覽,從中探討書法的傳統與未來書法現代性發展的方向。 展出作品包括篆、隸、楷、行、草不同面貌、總共60件作品。

2019“En Route to the Classics” – A Chung Hwa Han Guang Calligraphy Association Exhibition at the Chinese Cultural Centre of Greater Toronto.The main theme of this exhibition “En Route to the Classics” is to focus on “elegance” and “humanity”. It includes traditional calligraphy, and also artworks that possess the abstract expression of linear calligraphy, as well as artworks that display ‘identifiable’ and ‘non-identifiable’ Chinese characters.  From these artworks, the Association attempts to investigate and demonstrate the direction of the future development of modern calligraphy.  The exhibited artworks will include 60 works of a variety of Seal script, Clerical script, Running script and Cursive script.