

2010年 寫什麼「東」「西」–東方美學與西方抽象撞擊的書、非書展在國父紀念館展出。重點在探討書法從傳統到現代性過度中所能展現的不同面貌。讓書法藝術的豐富多元呈現的美感與生活周遭聯繫在一起。

In 2010, exhibition named ‘”Something” has been written! Something “Eastern” or “Western”! – An exhibition showing the impact of Eastern aesthetics and Western abstractions on “Calligraphic” and “Non-calligraphic artwork”’ was put forward by our Association at the Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Museum in December 2010. The focus of this exhibition was on the exploration of the different features and aspects of Chinese Calligraphy that could be demonstrated from its traditions to modernity. And at the same time, we had illustrated the richness, diversification and multi-dimensional beauty of the art of calligraphy that were associated with our daily living environment.